Misconceptions About Graphic Design

6 Misconceptions About Graphic Design: Dispelling Graphic Design Myths

It’s not a secret these days that products’ success largely depends on graphic design. Yet, there are still people who don’t see how and keep on promoting the damaging misconceptions about graphic design. That is why today we’re dispelling all the myths with our own hot take on the matter.

Misconceptions about graphic design, #1: Graphic design is easy.

How hard can it be, you just sit and draw whatever you’re told’.

One of the most damaging misconceptions about graphic design is the one nurturing the idea that design is no hard work. As designers, we know what hard work lurks behind the curtains, how hard it can be sometimes to design certain visuals.

Being a designer means you always grow, learn something new. Just as with any sphere in today’s fast-developing world, in design there is always new technology, new techniques, new trends you have to know about – and use.

Apart from never-ending learning, there is also research you have to make before jumping into design, and creative thinking that needs to be developed. Yes, graphic design is of course not the hardest job in the world. But it is certainly not as easy as some people think.

☝🏻 Tip: When working with a client, try to bring them along every step of the way. Part of why they see your work as easy is that they do not know what exactly you’re doing. This tip, actually, also helps with eliminating extensive micromanagement from the client, too.

Why is this graphic design myth damaging?

Some people still do not see design as a serious, effort-consuming job. This sometimes influences the compensation professionals receive for the work they do.

Misconceptions about graphic design, #2: Graphic design is only about creativity.

“I need a logo, I will give you no information, so just be creative with it”

Creative thinking is important, yet, there is so much more that goes into the designing process.  Starting from a briefing session with the client & researching the market and competitors, to figuring out the working solution that incorporates the data received.

what is graphic design Misconceptions About Graphic Design

Why is this graphic design myth damaging?

This one is actually more damaging to the client than the designer. Without all the needed information, with only an instruction to “be creative”, they rid their brand of having a meaning behind any visual. An empty picture with no story will do nothing for their business.

Misconceptions about graphic design, #3: Anyone who knows Photoshop is a designer.

“Here, give this to John, he knows Photoshop right? He’ll design us a logo then”

If knowing photoshop makes you a designer, it’s like saying that knowing how to write makes you a poet.

This misconception derives from the fact that people do not see design as a profession. Yes, you don’t have to go to university to study design these days – if you don’t want to. However, you will still have to study design through courses, training, and refining the skill later, learning new things as you go.

Beauty is not subjective, this is Gingersauce’s hot tale. In nature, there are laws that make us see something as beautiful. Design is about studying those laws, learning how to lay them out on canvas, and even manipulate how people see certain visuals.

A good designer does not just make pretty pictures, and it’s not an average Joe that knows a bit of Photoshop.

Why is this graphic design myth damaging?

Brands with such a mindset lose opportunities to create a cohesive brand identity, by dismissing professionals and only making any logo in their garage.

Misconceptions about graphic design, #4: Good design always stands out.

“This is too simple, I thought you were a professional. I wasn’t blown away by the design

The thing is, good design is not always in your face. Most often, it’s not. The designer’s job is supposed to express some message, and lead consumers to further action. Like the button on the website is always placed strategically, the design is often subtle to be effective. 

Why is this graphic design myth damaging?

The effectiveness of design as a selling and marketing tool can be thrown away in favor of more complicated, yet meaningless options.

Misconceptions about graphic design, #5: Designers are simply the executors.

“Why can’t you just do what I say?”

Here, we’re speaking more about branding designers, but it does apply to everyone in this field. When it comes to branding, you have to become an advisor. These days people do not understand branding that well, and what role you as a designer will play in it. This is your place to step in and explain why a logo is not enough to transform a business into a brand – this is why you will need a brand identity. Offer your client more value, do not just perform what they tell you to.

Why is this graphic design myth damaging?

Clients underestimate the professionalism of the designers and start to push pixels way too much.

Misconceptions about graphic design, #6: The designed visual is the only thing that is important.

This myth is more prevalent in the designer community than their clients’. Out of all Graphic design misconceptions listed previously, at Gingersauce, we do not like this one the most.

Presentation is just as important as your vision. The way you present your works sets the impression on the client – you can end up looking professional, or like a novice. 

We’re talking about not attaching your files to an email and sending them off. It won’t show off your expertise.

Try creating a brand book for each of the logo prototypes, for example. With Gingersauce it won’t take too long, do not worry. All you will need to do is upload the logo, and the system will offer some variations for it. You can add your fonts, real-life mockups, and everything needed – and offer your client not a single logo prototype, but a vision of a brand instead.

create brand book online

You will end up looking like the professional you are, and the client will have a lot easier time choosing between options.

The bottom line

Design is a profession that offers a tool to get the message across via subtle visual means. Though there are still many misconceptions about graphic design, we hope today we helped to dispel at least some of them. If you happen to know any people with such stereotypes intact, make sure to send them the article! 

Present With Gingersauce

Gingersauce is a professional tool for creating brand guidelines, that combines smart automation and your creativity. It’s a professional tool – meaning it won’t do a half-baked job, leaving you with a mediocre result.

Gingersauce will help you gather all your visuals and make a professional presentation that will impress your client. You can download a created brand book right away – it will look promising even with no customization. Or, you can play around with it to get even more epic guidelines! 

Level Up Your Presentation Game With Gingersauce

The author

Josh Bloch
Josh Bloch

Josh is a multidisciplinary designer with over 20 years of experience in industrial design, exhibitions, branding, 2d and 3d animation, graphics for print and digital, illustration, and UX/UI for mobile and desktop apps.

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