How To Define Your Core Brand Values (And What Values To Avoid)

How To Define Your Core Brand Values (And What Values To Avoid)

“Ten things we know to be true.
We first wrote these “10 things” when Google was just a few years old. From time to time we revisit this list to see if it still holds true. We hope it does – and you can hold us to that.”, this is how a company that cares about values and does not make them up just to add to the About section sounds like.

Your team, your partners, and your people need to be on the same wavelength, help them to feel you by being honest and write things that really matter to you 🙌

What overused words would you add to our list?

Are you sure your logo is all ready to be sent to a client?

Beautiful design is only half the deal — does it really suit the brand, though? We’ve created a short checklist for you to see if your logo is truly ready to be presented. Leave your email, and you’ll receive it right away.