7 Graphic Designer Traits


7 Graphic Designer Traits That Send A Cupid's Arrow Right Through The Heart

7 graphic design traits that send a Cupid’s arrow right through the heart:

✨You’re in for a ride of endless compliments: they notice every little detail and change.
✨With all the pixel-pushing they do, their patience is godlike.
✨Super organized: all their stuff is organized due to Pantone Chart.
✨They can always scare the bullies away by citing Lorem Ipsum.
✨With all the references they see on Pinterest, your date is bound to be romantic.
✨Romantic and fun: they love commenting on the menu design when going to a restaurant.
✨Ditch the face tune, your photos will be professionally photoshopped.

Happy Valentine’s Day, and let the designers in your life know you love them 🧡

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