10 Principles Of Good Brand Design

What brand design is considered good design? 🤔

We collected 10 principles of brand design, that’ll help you establish a memorable brand identity.

1. Visuals Reflect The Brand
Every brand has a character, a specific ‘feel’ to it, expressed in its mission and vision statements, a sphere of work, services it provides. These attributes should always echo in all the visuals you create.

Tip: before starting working on any visuals, try creating a brand personality map.

2. Avoid Being Repetitive
When building a brand identity we try our hardest to stand out, to make sure the brand is not mixed with another one.

Our advice is to find such a style of visuals that will become strongly associated with a specific brand. Like a certain shade of red Coca cola uses, or a blue birdie that will always remain in our minds as a Twitter mascot.

3. Less is More
The golden rule – do not overcomplicate your visuals! One thing you don’t need is to confuse people, and overbury them with too many elements. The simpler – the easier it is to remember.

If you’re not sure if your logo, for instance, is simple enough, ask yourself a question “Will a user be able to draw the logo, after seeing it once or twice?”. If not, you know what to do.

4. Holy Trinity of Colors
Minimalistic approach should be applied to every aspect – including the colors. One of the main design rules is to use a maximum of three colors. This doesn’t only have to do with the possible sensory overload, but also has a financial reason for it. You will need to pay more for additional colors, when printing any materials.

5. A Psyche Behind Your Palettes
Every color has its own association, an emotion it evokes in a person. It is crucial to consider what impact your color scheme will have on your customer. Bright contrasting colors grab the attention, while light, monochromatic ones set a peaceful mood.

To be continued 🙌

Are you sure your logo is all ready to be sent to a client?

Beautiful design is only half the deal — does it really suit the brand, though? We’ve created a short checklist for you to see if your logo is truly ready to be presented. Leave your email, and you’ll receive it right away.