8 Types of Graphic Design: What Kind of Designer Are You?

When we say, of pursuing graphic design, anyone can find a place to fit in — we mean it. Depending on the skill set you possess, the interests, and the style you have, you can find your perfect industry within graphic design, just like that. Today we’ll walk you through the 8 types of graphic design you can choose between, outlining the skills you have to have in order to work in that certain field. Let’s get to work, shall we?

Check out our full article 8 Types of Graphic Design: What Kind of Designer Are You?!

Are you sure your logo is all ready to be sent to a client?

Beautiful design is only half the deal — does it really suit the brand, though? We’ve created a short checklist for you to see if your logo is truly ready to be presented. Leave your email, and you’ll receive it right away.