Facebook brand book

Facebook brand book

The Facebook brand book showcased on the page was created using the Gingersauce platform. It is not an official one and was created for illustrational purposes only. The Facebook guidelines that are authentic to the brand can be found on their website.

Gingersauce is a universal tool capable of building brand books of any style, for a myriad of different brands. See for yourself, as we present the guidelines created on the platform.

Facebook brand book style

Bold, action-oriented, open, innovative.

Facebook brand mission

To give people the power to build community and bring the world closer together.

Facebook color palette

Worldly recognized palette consisting of the official Facebook colors which are blue, grey, black and white.

Showcase Your Brand Book on Gingersauce’s Gallery page

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Create A Professional Brand Book

All you need to create a professional brand book is a logo. Leave the rest to our wizard!

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Are you sure your logo is all ready to be sent to a client?

Beautiful design is only half the deal — does it really suit the brand, though? We’ve created a short checklist for you to see if your logo is truly ready to be presented. Leave your email, and you’ll receive it right away.